94 results.
Year of publication: 2024

”Nomadism” theory Today

Author′s name: Yuki KONAGAYA

KEY WORDS: Imanishi Umesao Inner Mongolia

Name of the journal: Bulletin of JAMS
ISSN: 0916-2356  Volume and pages: 54: 11-19
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: Japanese



Year of publication: 2023

Mongolian Distinction on Horse Coloration

Author′s name: Konagaya Yuki

KEY WORDS: horse coat color, folk term, taxonomy, variety

Name of the journal: Nomadic civilization: historical research
ISSN: 2782-3377  doi: 10.53315/2782-3377-2023-3-2-76-89  Volume and pages: 3(2): 76-89
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: English


Year of publication: 2023

Arts and Technique of Crafts in Khamag Mongol period

Author′s name: Konagaya Yuki (supervision)

KEY WORDS: shaman history

Publishers: Gerliin urguu
ISBN: 978-9919-0-1559-6
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: Japanese



Year of publication: 2023


Author′s name: Yuki Konagaya

KEY WORDS: horse coat color, folk term, taxonomy, variety

Name of the journal: Nomadic civilization historical research
ISSN: 2782-3377  doi: 10.53315/2782-3377-2023-3-2-76-89  Volume and pages: 3(2):76-89
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: English



Year of publication: 2022

Street Dogs in Mongolia Captured by the Pictures in Travelogues from the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries: A Case Study of Finding Logic in the Photograph

Author′s name: Konagaya Yuki

KEY WORDS: dog photograph

Name of the journal: Senri Ethnographical Studies 110
Volume and pages: pp.61-91
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: English



Year of publication: 2021

Expedition photographs of Mongolia (1880-1930)

Author′s name: KONAGAYA Yuki

KEY WORDS: geography society missionary

Name of the journal: Bulletin of National Museum of Ethnology
ISSN: 0385-180X  doi: doi.org/10.15021/00009643  Volume and pages: 45(3):517-567
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: Japanese

Abstract: This paper presents an overview of photographs taken by various foreign expeditions to Mongolia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, to present these photographs as one resource for research. The original photographic materials are kept archived in the respective countries conducting the expeditions. Therefore, this report describes each institute that dispatched expeditions, as well as the present locations of photographs, such as the Russian Geographical Society or museums in Nordic countries. This comprehensive introductory paper will contribute especially to cross-collection, comparative analysis studies.

article in the book
Year of publication: 2021

Ritual and Mongolian Heroic Epic

Author′s name: FUJII Mako

KEY WORDS: Altai_Khailah

Title of the book: Rituals and Oral Tradition
Publishers: Fukyosha
ISBN: 978-4-89489-033-6
Pages (pp. x-xx) : pp.67-86
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: Japanese



Year of publication: 2021

The living world of Mongol nomads 

Author′s name: Konagaya Yuki


Publishers: sudar urguu
ISBN: 978-99978-976-4-0
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: Mongolian



Year of publication: 2020

Ethnic Tourism and Ethnic Cuisine

Author′s name: Takahiro OZAKI

KEY WORDS: Inner Mongolia, ethnic tourism, ethnic theme park, Mongolian cuisine, dietary culture

Name of the journal: Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology
doi: https://doi.org/10.14890/jjcanth.85.3_505  Volume and pages: Volume 85 Issue 3 Pages 505-523
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: Japanese

Abstract: This article investigates the characteristics of dietary culture under conditions of transcultural communication, in the context of a case study of ethnic tourism at sightseeing places (lüyoudian), using the author's data on menus actually used in central Inner Mongolia, China. Ethnic tourism centered on food is provided at sightseeing places in Inner Mongolia. Although the tastes of Han Chinese visitors are reflected in the structure of the menus, it should not be concluded that only the sense of tourism and the gaze of Han Chinese affect these menus. The sense of ease with the menus provided in Inner Mongolian sightseeing places that is felt by tourists is not derived from their direct experience there. It is instead constructed through the experience of Mongolian restaurants in cities and their customers, shaped most by Mongolians who lives in cities, giving another locus of transcultural communication.

Year of publication: 2019

Horse and Human in Mongolia

Author′s name: KONAGAYA Yuki

KEY WORDS: traditional environment knowledge

Name of the journal: Science of Biology Heredity
ISSN: 978-4-86043-593-6  Volume and pages: 75(3):244-250
Academic Field: Anthropology or Folklore
Language: Japanese


Abstract: This is the summary of traditional knowledge on horses using the local materials.

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